
Collection on electronic books from variety of subject areas.


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    KURSUS INTEGRITI DAN RASUAH : Institut Pengajian Tinggi
    (2020) Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia
    Kursus ini merangkumi konsep asas tentang nilai integriti; bentuk perbuatan rasuah dan salah guna kuasa dalam kehidupan seharian serta dalam organisasi; dan langkah-langkah pencegahan rasuah. Isu dan kes rasuah sebenar dibincangkan dalam sesi pembelajaran. (This course encompasses the basic concepts on value of integrity; forms of bribery and abuse of power in daily lives as well as in organizations; and ways to prevent bribery. Issues and real cases related to bribery will be discussed).
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    SPRM @ MEDIA 2022
    (2022) Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah
    Compilation of newspaper articles
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    Standard Perpustakaan Universiti :
    (2018) Persatuan Pustakawan Malaysia
    Sebagai bahan rujukam untuk menguruskan perpustakaan akademik di Malaysia.
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    (Media Inspirasi Nusantara, 2023) Kamarul Ariffin Nor Sadan
    ANALEK Definisi: serangkaian petikan hasil penulisan seorang pengarang atau sekelompok pengarang. Analek biasanya digunakan sebagai istilah generik untuk merujuk kepada judul buku. Analek berasal daripada perkataan Yunani yang bermaksud “yang dikutip”. Analek juga disebut sebagai analecta atau bunga rampai. ANGKER Definisi: 1. kelihatan menyeramkan kerana dipercayai berhantu (berkenaan pokok besar, rumah besar, dan lain-lain); atau kelihatan menakutkan (berkenaan air muka seseorang). 2. Istilah yang merujuk kepada bahagian dalam alat elektrik yang bergetar dan mengeluarkan bunyi apabila terdapat aliran elektrik pada alat itu.
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    Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education
    (American Library Association, 2000) The Association of College and Research Libraries
    Information literacy is a set of abilities requiring individuals to “recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information.”1 Information literacy also is increasingly important in the contemporary environment of rapid technological change and proliferating information resources. Because of the escalating complexity of this environment, individuals are faced with diverse, abundant information choices—in their academic studies, in the workplace, and in their personal lives. Information is available through libraries, community resources, special interest organizations, media, and the Internet—and increasingly, information comes to individuals in unfiltered formats, raising questions about its authenticity, validity, and reliability. In addition, information is available through multiple media, including graphical, aural, and textual, and these pose new challenges for individuals in evaluating and understanding it. The uncertain quality and expanding quantity of information pose large challenges for society. The sheer abundance of information will not in itself create a more informed citizenry without a complementary cluster of abilities necessary to use information effectively.